Small House Plans 7x11 with 2 bedrooms Full Plans.

The House has:
-Car Parking and garden
-Living room,
-Dining room -Kitchen
-2 Bedrooms, 1 bathrooms

-washing machine

Relate Design

House Two Floor 4mx 16m Design in Google SketchUp 

Ground Floor: 
1. Living Room 
2. One Bed Room 
3. Two Bathroom 
4. One Kitchen 
First Floor: 
1. One Living Room 
2. Two Bed Room 
3. Two Bathroom 
Roof Floor: For Gardens

House Two Floor 4mx 16m Design in Google SketchU

Ground Floor: 
1. Living Room 
2. One Bed Room 
3. One Bathroom 
4. One Kitchen 
First Floor: 
1. Two Bed Room 

2. Two Bathroom Roof Floor: For Gardens

Modern Twin-House size 5mx12m Design in Google Sketch up 

Roof Floor: One Bathroom One Bed Room and Gardens.

Small House Plans 7x12

with 2 bedrooms Full Plans.
The House has:
-Car Parking and garden
-Living room, -Dining room
-2 Bedrooms, 1 bathroom
-washing machine